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What & Where are the Chakras? The word chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning spinning wheel and refers to energy centers in the physical body as well as externally in the aura that surrounds the physical body.  They are part of our living life force that runs through all living things animal or human. Our body is comprised of energy vibrating at different speeds.  Our physical body, our thoughts, emotions, and our spiritual center, all vibrate at a particular frequency or speed.  As we become more in tune with the energy around us and have an understanding of it, we can raise the vibration of the energy taking more control of our situations and our bodies well-being.

The first chakra is the Root Chakra and is located at the base of the spine.  This chakra is associated with our basic animal instincts of survival and self preservation: food, shelter, health and security.

The second chakra is the Sacral Chakra and is located 1-2 inches below the naval. This chakra is the focal point of our emotions, sexuality and creativity.

The third chakra is the Solar Plexus Chakra and is located in the abdomen or 1-2 inches above the naval.  This chakra is associated with identity and self-esteem.  Known as the “power center”, this is the area of assertiveness, intuition and inner drive.

The fourth chakra is the Heart Chakra and is located at the heart center. This chakra represents true compassion, kindheartedness, selfless love and devotion, the Heart Chakra is where we process emotional experiences.

The fifth chakra is the Throat Chakra and is located at the throat. This chakra is associated with sound, and has to do with creative self-expression, speech and communication.

The sixth chakra is the Third Eye Chakra and is located in the throat area. This chakra is associated with sight and seeing, both intuitively physically.  It is related to the energies of clear vision, intuition, light and spirit.

The seventh chakra is the Crown Chakra and is located above the head.  The symbol of purity and and spirituality the Crown Chakra is our highest energy center.  This chakra represents liberation, bringing great knowledge, deep understanding, inner wisdom, and a connection to the highest state of enlightenment and spiritual growth.


For a deeper understanding of the chakras and how their life force energy comes into our body through the global grid matrix of the earth (ley lines), this class will give you a full understanding of the chakras and the complex grid of light that weaves around mother Earth referred to as the global grid matrix or ley lines and how they connect through the light grids to the planet and stars and so creates a universal connection that affects us all.  Weaving light energies into the body through the meridians and chakras which then feed into our glands and then on into our physical organs and areas of the body. The Chakra system feeds this energy so that the physical body and consciousness can maintain form, life-force and well being and without this complex energy system we would not exist.

During this class, we will practice a Mindfulness Breathing meditation and then the Chakra meditations for each Chakra for balancing and healing of your chakras and  overall well-being. The class will consist of two 5 hour days of training.  I will be posting several dates of when the class will be given as soon as Governor Wolf’s guidelines allow.

Please contact me for more information at or call me directly at 610-739-4757.


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